LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other terms) studies is a rapidly-growing field of scholarship. The keywords, techniques and sources listed here offer an entry point to topics in the LGBT Studies Minor curriculum at UH. Most of UH Libraries' LGBTQIA+ resources are located in the M.D. Anderson Library or online. When appropriate, some may also be found in other campus libraries. For example, legal texts will most likely be found in the Law Library and books on LGBTQIA+ artists will be found in the Architecture and Art Library. Scholars and students are encouraged to investigate the LGBTQIA+-focused collections in the University of Houston's Special Collections, as well. Use the link to Primary LGBTQIA+Material at left to find out about these archived materials.
Some guidelines before conducting research:
"Intersectionality refers to the intersection of identities that shape an individual’s standing in society. The combining of identities produces distinct life experiences, in part depending on the oppression and privilege associated with each identity."
-Yamada, Ann Marie, Lisa Marie Werkmeister Rozas, and Bronwyn Cross-Denny. "Intersectionality and Social Work." Encyclopedia of Social Work. 15 Jun. 2016.
LGBTQIA+ STUDIES IS INNATELY INTERDISCIPLINARY. When researching LGBTQIA+ people or topics, it's important to investigate one or more other fields of study. If searching LGBTQIA+ history, be sure to check history resources; the same for other fields! UH Libraries has research guides like this on a lot of subjects, feel free to use any of those resources for your research as well!
WHAT ARE PRIMARY MATERIALS? Primary materials are documents or information-bearing objects that were created during the period being studied. Letters, photographs, diaries, clothing; sound and video recordings, are all examples of primary materials. Researchers analyze primary sources to create books, papers, or other works of scholarship (which, in turn, become SECONDARY sources). M.D. Anderson Library's Special Collections holds a wide LGBTQ collection and a significant collection of literature (some rare) by gay and lesbian authors. The city of Houston also offers a diverse collection of community, academic, and municipal archives containing rare and unique LGBTQIA+ materials, mostly pertaining to local history. You can find a lot of these resources under the "Local LGBTQIA+ History" section on the left side of the page.
VARY YOUR SEARCH TERMS Just as our understanding of LGBTQIA+ people, culture, and health has evolved considerably, so has our associated vocabulary. When librarians entered LGBTQIA+ information into catalogs and databases many years ago, they may have used terms that have become outdated or even insensitive. For older material, researchers cannot limit themselves to the word "transgender," but should also use words that are now inappropriate, such as "transsexual" or "transvestite." For books on intersex individuals published before the 1940's, researchers should use similarly outdated and insensitive terms like "hermaphrodite." If you'd like to learn more about search strategies, feel free to reach out to a librarian!