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Accessing Your Webbook

In Pressbooks, the online book is called a webbook. To access the webbook used for your course, hover over My Books in the top ribbon and select the book listed for your course.
Screen capture of the Pressbooks dashboard interface with the My Books option highlighted

Navigating Your Webbook

To navigate the content of the book, click Organize Book from the book dashboard (or Organize on the left panel). The Organize menu displays all the content of the book that has already been created. 

From the book dashboard, you can also access the Pressbooks User Guide, which is an invaluable reference tool to use while you are creating your chapters. It includes answers and instructions for common questions and tasks. 

Screen capture of the Pressbooks book dashboard with the Organize Book options highlighted.

In your course, you may be assigned to view only one or a few specific chapters to which you are assigned. If that is the case, you will only be able to view and edit those chapters that are assigned to you. 

The Organize menu displaying the table of contents for the book. Each chapter has a title and authors assigned to it.