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American Sign Language (ASL)/English Interpreting Resources

Welcome to the American Sign Language (ASL)/English Interpreting Research Guide. Within this guide, you will find information and links to ASL/English Interpreting related resources that you may find useful for your classwork and research.

Specialized Resources

This page provides links to associations, organizations, and agencies; and other online resources related to signed languages, deaf studies, and interpreting.

Gallaudet University Library Resources

Gallaudet University Library has created a number of online resources for sign language and interpreting, and deaf studies. The links below lead to excellent overviews of deaf related research tools. 

Please note that you will need to use UH Libraries' databases and online catalog to access the actual resources.

Agencies, Associations, and Organizations

Interpreter Associations

International Interpreter Associations

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Associations

Disability Advocacy Organizations

International Disability Advocacy Associations

Local Organizations

Information and Resources


Education Organizations and Resources

Web Resources

A Word About Evaluating Websites

There is a lot of health information freely available on the Internet. Some websites offer up-to-date, authoritative information. Some websites offer out-dated, misunderstood, and incorrect information. To complicate matters, it can be very difficult to tell the two apart. The following will help you evaluate health information websites and allow you to judge each website on its information merit, not just its looks: A User's Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web (Medical Library Association).