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Nursing Resources

Welcome to the Andy & Barbara Gessner College of Nursing Research Guide! Within this guide, you will find information and links to Nursing and other Allied Health-related resources that you may find useful for your classwork and research.

Scholarly Articles

This page provides links to databases and journals where you can find articles and clinical information to help you with your research.

Recommended Resources

Nursing & Allied Health Databases

Citation Indexes

Health science research is often multidisciplinary. Below is a list of multidisciplinary databases to start you in the right path. You can also use these databases to conduct basic searches to 'scope' out a subject; quickly find seminal articles; and conduct bibliometrics research. 

Key Citation Indexes

Regional Indexes

Evidence-Based Practice Databases

Biomedicine Databases

Dissertations & Theses Databases

Clinical Tools

Top Nursing Journals

Top 5 nursing journals with the highest 5-year impact factor rankings in Journal Citation Reports. If the full text is available from the UH Libraries, the title is in red (click to access).

What is a library database?

Your instructor or subject librarian may throw around the term "library database" a lot, but what exactly do they mean? This video from the University of Houston Libraries explains the term and how you can use databases for research.

Transcript available through YouTube.

Remote Access

You can access UH Libraries' online resources from anywhere!

To access online resources (e.g. databases, articles) while off campus, you will be asked to log in with your CourgarNet account. Once you log in, you will be redirected to the online resource you selected. You must be a current student, faculty, or staff.

If you do not know your CougarNet account information, then please contact UIT Support Center at:


or chat with a support representative.

If you have any difficulties accessing UH Libraries' online resources, please use this form to let us know!