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Open Publishing

Publishing in open access makes outputs freely available online so that they can be downloaded, read, and re-used in accordance with licensing. This means that your publications are much more likely to be downloaded, shared, and cited. Open research goes beyond traditional publications to include all research outputs such as data, code, and even open peer review. Making all outputs of research open and accessible can have greater impact.

Open Repositories and Preprint Servers

  • The UH institutional repository, Cougar ROAR, is available to deposit your articles, book chapters, audiovisual outputs, datasets, and other formats of research dissemination.
  • Consider disciplinary repositories to share your research with others in similar areas of research. Some allow preprints and others, postprints. 

Open Educational Resources

  • OER at UH allows you to create teaching materials that incorporate your research and make them freely available to your students and anyone needing to incorporate them into their curricula.

Open Access Journals

  • Because Open Access (OA) Journals are freely available, they greatly increase the visibility of research. A great number of these journals go through peer-review and are reputable.
  • The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) provides a list of OA journals in which to consider publishing  your research.