CiteSeerx - focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science; provide resources such as algorithms, data, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used to promote other digital libraries.
Dimensions - this free version provides analytics of publications and datasets across all disciplines
HumetricsHSS Initiative - emphasizes measuring the value of research instead of evaluating traditional, quantitative measures
ImpactStory - an open-source website that helps researchers explore and share the the online impact of their research
Metrics Toolkit - free, evidence-based resource developed to help scholars and evaluators understand and responsibly use citations, web metrics, and alternative metrics in the evaluation of research
Scholarometer - a platform to facilitate citation analysis to evaluate the impact of an author's publications.
If you have questions about Research Visibility & Impact, or any of the content on the subsequent pages, please contact Andrea Malone, RVI Coordinator.