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COMM 4360/4366 - Advertising Media & Account Planning (Fall 2024)

Find industry and market information for your media & account planning reports.

What is Media Planning?

Media planning is the process of establishing the exact media vehicles to be used for advertising (Entrepreneur Media Inc., 2018). It is a vital part of crafting a marketing plan and involves taking a closer look at media metrics such as the circulation rate (daily/weekly/monthly viewership), cost per ad or cost-per-click, and readership/audience profile. This will ensure that you can select the most effective media to reach your target audience. For example, let's say you provide cleaning services primarily to middle-class families, and you're considering advertising in Forbes magazine. You would want to look at the Forbes media kit, which will provide insight into their readership profile, an audience that includes C-Suite executives and wealth advisors. Therefore, Forbes may not provide the best return on your advertising investment since it is unlikely to reach your intended audience and likely will not fit in your budget.

Important Factors in a Media Plan

As you develop your media plan, there are a number of factors you will want to keep in mind that will affect your strategy. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to:

  • Who is your target audience?
    • What consumer information can you find out about this particular demographic?
  • What is your budget?
    • How much will it cost to advertise in different types of media?
  • Where should you focus your campaign?
    • What consumer information can you find out about people that live in that specific geographic area?

Answering these questions will help guide your searching and ensure you find more relevant information.

Media Planning and Market Research Databases

As you consider the various factors that will affect your media plan, the following databases can help you make decisions in your strategy. Some will be useful to find demographic information and consumer data about your specific audience, while others might be more useful for finding ad rates and other media information. Use the appropriate database to find the information that you need.

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