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Vocal Resources


Image of Rosabel Morrison as Bizet's Carmen.


The following information will help you explore operatic resources in the Music Library and online. 

Call Numbers for Browsing Scores

Full and Vocal Scores

M 1500      Full scores
M 1501      Full scores in concert arrangements
M 1502      Vocal scores (without accompaniment)
M 1503      Vocal scores with piano accompaniment
M 1503.5   Vocal scores with piano accomapniment arranged for concert purposes
M 1504      College operas

Opera excerpts

M 1505      Excerpts with original accompaniment
M 1506       Excerpts arranged for accompanying ensemble
M 1507      Two or more excerpts arranged with piano accompaniment
M 1508      Excerpts of separate works with piano accompaniment
M 1508.1   Vocal scores with excerpts from two or more works
M 1508.2   Vocal scores of separate works

Operatic scenes

M 1509     Scenes generally of a burlesque nature

Libretti, Texts, and Scenarios

 ML 47 - 52.8

Web Resources