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If you wish to browse the collection, try looking for books in the following selected call number areas:
DT1-3415 History of Africa
E184-185.98 United States History - Elements in the population
E184.5-185.98 Afro-Americans
E185.2-185.89 Status and development since emancipation
E185.96-185.98 Biography. Genealogy
E441-453 Slavery in the United States. Antislavery movements
GN537-674 Ethnic groups and races
GR99.6-390 Folklore by region or country
JV8790-9024.5 Emigration and Immigration - Africa
LC2699-2913 Education of Blacks; African-Americans
LG401-681 Educational Institutions - Africa
PE3102 Black English vernacular
PL8000-8844 African Languages and Literature
PN841 Black Literature
PQ3980 Francophone African literature
PS1-3576 American Literature