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ENGL 1301 - First Year Writing I

Use this guide to find resources that will help you complete your assignments for ENGL 1301

Analyzing Visual Media


This interactive lesson covers applying rhetorical strategies to analyze visual media sources in order to think critically about the media we interact with on a regular basis. This lesson includes video, audio, images, and text, and a mix of online and offline interactive activities.


Analyzing Advertisements

television set with image of shopping cart on screen


If you are looking for an example advertisement to analyze on your own, the following list includes excellent videos that can help you practice your analytical skills. It is recommended you complete the Analyzing Media lesson first before you analyze a video ad on your own to familiarize you with the process. Keep in mind that while these are videos, you can apply this same process of analysis to any visual medium.

You can use the Analyzing Visual Media worksheet to guide you through the process and help you keep track of your analysis.