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According to Colquhoun et al. (2014), a scoping review can be defined as: "a form of knowledge synthesis, which incorporate a range of study designs to comprehensively summarize and synthesize evidence with the aim of informing practice, programs, and policy and providing direction to future research priorities" (p.1291).
When to Use It: A scoping review might be right for you if you are interested in:
The following stages of conducting a review of complex interventions are derived from Peters et al. (2015) and Levac et al. (2010).
Timeframe: 12+ months, (same amount of time as a systematic review or longer)
*Varies beyond the type of review. Depends on many factors such as but not limited to: resources available, the quantity and quality of the literature, and the expertise or experience of reviewers" (Grant & Booth, 2009).
Question: Answers broader and topic focused questions beyond those relating to the effectiveness of treatments or interventions. A priori review protocol is recommended.
Is your review question a complex intervention? Learn more about Reviews of Complex Interventions.
Sources and searches: Comprehensive search-may be limited by time/scope restraints, still aims to be thorough and repeatable of all literature. May involve multiple structured searches rather than a single structured search. This will produce more results than a systematic review. Must include a modified PRISMA flow diagram.
Selection: Based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, due to the iterative nature of a scoping review some changes may be necessary. May require more time spent screening articles due to the larger volume of results from broader questions.
Appraisal: Critical appraisal (optional), Risk of Bias assessment (optional) is not applicable for scoping reviews.
Synthesis: (Tabular with some narrative) The extraction of data for a scoping review may include a charting table or form but a formal synthesis of findings from individual studies and the generation of a 'summary of findings' (SOF) table is not required. Results may include a logical diagram or table or any descriptive form that aligns with the scope and objectives of the review. May incorporate a numerical summary and qualitative thematic analysis.
Consultation: (optional)
The following resources provide methods and guidance in the field of scoping reviews.
Methods & Guidance
Reporting Guideline
Anderson, S., Allen, P., Peckham, S., & Goodwin, N. (2008). Asking the right questions: scoping studies in the commissioning of research on the organisation and delivery of health services. Health research policy and systems, 6, 7. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-6-7
Arksey, H., & O'Malley, L. (2005). Scoping studies: towards a methodological framework. International journal of social research methodology, 8(1), 19-32. doi: 10.1080/1364557032000119616
Armstrong, R., Hall, B. J., Doyle, J., & Waters, E. (2011). Cochrane Update. 'Scoping the scope' of a cochrane review. Journal of public health (Oxford, England), 33(1), 147–150. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdr015
Colquhoun, H. (2016). Current best practices for the conducting of scoping reviews. Symposium Presentation - Impactful Biomedical Research: Achieving Quality and Transparency.
Colquhoun, H. L., Levac, D., O'Brien, K. K., Straus, S., Tricco, A. C., Perrier, L., Kastner, M., & Moher, D. (2014). Scoping reviews: time for clarity in definition, methods, and reporting. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 67(12), 1291–1294. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.03.013
Davis, K., Drey, N., & Gould, D. (2009). What are scoping studies? A review of the nursing literature. International journal of nursing studies, 46(10), 1386–1400. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.02.010
Khalil, H., Peters, M., Godfrey, C. M., McInerney, P., Soares, C. B., & Parker, D. (2016). An evidence-based approach to scoping reviews. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing, 13(2), 118–123. doi: 10.1111/wvn.12144
Levac, D., Colquhoun, H., & O'Brien, K. K. (2010). Scoping studies: advancing the methodology. Implementation science: IS, 5, 69. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-5-69
Lockwood, C., Dos Santos, K. B., & Pap, R. (2019). Practical guidance for knowledge synthesis: scoping review methods. Asian nursing research, 13(5), 287–294. doi: 10.1016/j.anr.2019.11.002
Morris, M., Boruff, J. T., & Gore, G. C. (2016). Scoping reviews: establishing the role of the librarian. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 104(4), 346–354. doi: 10.3163/1536-5050.104.4.020
Munn, Z., Peters, M., Stern, C., Tufanaru, C., McArthur, A., & Aromataris, E. (2018). Systematic review or scoping review? Guidance for authors when choosing between a systematic or scoping review approach. BMC medical research methodology, 18(1), 143. doi: 10.1186/s12874-018-0611-x
O'Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., Baxter, L., Tricco, A. C., Straus, S., Wickerson, L., Nayar, A., Moher, D., & O'Malley, L. (2016). Advancing scoping study methodology: a web-based survey and consultation of perceptions on terminology, definition and methodological steps. BMC health services research, 16, 305. doi: 10.1186/s12913-016-1579-z
Peters, M. D., Godfrey, C. M., Khalil, H., McInerney, P., Parker, D., & Soares, C. B. (2015). Guidance for conducting systematic scoping reviews. International journal of evidence-based healthcare, 13(3), 141–146. doi: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000050
Peters, M. D. J., Godfrey, C., McInerney, P., Munn, Z., Tricco, A. C., & Khalil, H. (2020). Chapter 11: Scoping Reviews. In Aromataris, E. & Munn, Z. (Eds.), JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis. Joanna Briggs Institute. doi: 10.46658/JBIMES-20-12
Peters, M., Marnie, C., Tricco, A. C., Pollock, D., Munn, Z., Alexander, L., McInerney, P., Godfrey, C. M., & Khalil, H. (2021). Updated methodological guidance for the conduct of scoping reviews. JBI evidence implementation, 19(1), 3–10. doi: 10.1097/XEB.0000000000000277
Pham, M. T., Rajić, A., Greig, J. D., Sargeant, J. M., Papadopoulos, A., & McEwen, S. A. (2014). A scoping review of scoping reviews: advancing the approach and enhancing the consistency. Research synthesis methods, 5(4), 371–385. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1123
Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O'Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., Moher, D., Peters, M., Horsley, T., Weeks, L., Hempel, S., Akl, E. A., Chang, C., McGowan, J., Stewart, L., Hartling, L., Aldcroft, A., Wilson, M. G., Garritty, C., Lewin, S., … Straus, S. E. (2018). PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Annals of internal medicine, 169(7), 467–473. doi: 10.7326/M18-0850
Tricco, A., Oboirien, K., Lotfi, T., & Sambunjak, D. (2017, August). Scoping reviews: what they are and how you can do them. Cochrane Training.
The following challenges of conducting a scoping review are derived from Grant & Booth (2009), Peters et al. (2015), and O'Brien (2016).