Let's say we are interested in finding income data. The information below demonstrates how to retrieve income data from specific geographic areas on a map.
- From the social explorer home page under “United States” select “Explorer”
- You can zoom in to the area you like using the scroll wheel on you mouse, much like you would in Google Maps
- You’ll notice as you zoom that the level at which the data is being shown will change to smaller areas automatically.
Zip code is an option, and so is Unified School District. If you want to turn off the automatic change in level, you can select one of these other options.
- Up here is where you’ll want to click to change the type of information that is being displayed.
3. When you select “Change Data” you’ll see this drop down
- These are the categories of data that are available to you for the year you are looking at. We're going to select Income, 3rd option on the left.
- You can always select different years here. The available data categories in A will change accordingly.
- Once you’ve selected a category, your drop down will look like this instead.
- This is where to look to see what data set you’re drawing from. ACS 5 year will show up first by default, but as you scroll down 3 and 1 year estimates will show up, and every 10 years so will the Census.
- If you’ve already got a category selected, you’ll see a check box here indicating that category is illustrating the current map.
The current options show breakdown for different categories of income, but we can scroll down a little further and get median income.
- Once you have a desired map displayed there are a number of helpful features
- When you hold your mouse over a given area, you’ll have this pop up display to give you the specific numbers for that tract or zip. It’s a good idea to note the Census Tract numbers for the year you’re looking at if this is what you’re using. (They can change from year to year) This will help when you go to download tables.
- The share button will give you a permalink back to this map that you can share.
- Export will let you create a copy of the map for you to save. You can scale the size of the image, file format and other image quality aspects.