It may be appropriate for IPEF (Interdisciplinary Practices and Emerging Forms) researchers to consult another collection or subject specialist. There are three branches of the UH Libraries system: Architecture & Art, Music, and Optometry. A library in the UH Law Center is also open to all students. The collections and librarians for all other disciplines may be found in the M.D. Anderson Library. Contact the Architecture and Art Library when in need of a referral.
Students may borrow non-consumable art & design supplies from the library. Students may check-out these items at the service desk or ask a staff member for assistance.
Supply List:
M Music
N Visual arts
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing. Design. Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print media
NK Decorative arts
NX Arts in general
P Language and literature
Q Science (General)
S Agriculture
SB Plant culture. Landscape architecture
T Technology (General)
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering
TD Environmental technology
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics.
TP Chemical technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts. Arts and crafts
Z f-115.5 Books (General). Writing. Paleography.