Writing a formal social science research paper differs greatly from writing an English paper. Social science papers are more like formal lab reports and often contain justification, implications, and methods sections. Use the sources below to access the scholarly articles related to your research topic.
Find journal articles on your topic through the database links below (AccessUH/CougarNet log-in required):
BOOKS | Author Lastname, Firstname Middlename. Year. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher. |
Author Lastname, Firstname Middlename. Year. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume Number(Issue Number):pages. |
ELECTRONIC JOURNAL ARTICLES RETRIEVED FROM AN ONLINE DATABASE | Author Lastname, Firstname Middlename. Year. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume Number(Issue Number):pages. (Retrieved from Database Name on Month Day, Year). |
WEBSITES* | Author Lastname, Firstname Middlename. Year. "Title of Webpage." Retrieved Month Day, Year (http://www.webaddress.com/full/url/). |
*Provide as much information as you have available.
Example of a print journal article--This is the style you need to follow for your assignment.
Conger, Rand. 1997. "The Effects of Positive Feedback on Direction and Amount of Verbalization in a Social Setting." American Journal of Sociology 79(2): 1179-259.