Education Full TextLit searches need to be comprehensive. No matter how big one database is, other databases will have different coverage of journals/publications so to say you've truly scoured the literature for information on your topic, you'll want to try multiple databases. Especially when it comes to multidisciplinary topics!
Education Full Text is a good database to include for additional coverage in education.
Education Full Text provides comprehensive coverage of an international range of English-language periodicals, monographs and yearbooks. Full text of articles, with indexing cover to cover, is available for hundreds of journals, and coverage includes about 79 journals (37 with full text) not covered by ERIC's CIJE. Subjects covered include Adult Education, Arts, Athletics, Comparative Education, Competency-based Education, Computers in Education, Continuing Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Education, Government Funding, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Library Science, Literacy Standards, Multicultural/Ethnic Education, Parent-Teacher Relations, Prayer in Public Schools, Preschool Education, Religious Education, School Administration, Science and Mathematics, Secondary Education, Special Education, Student Counseling, Teacher Education, Teacher Evaluation, Teaching Methods, Vocational Education.