Government documents have their own specialized classification system that makes it easier to find information about bills, legislation, and reports. Use the information below to search for specific information.
These are the basic publications of the United States government. You can find the print and/or electronic versions of these resources in the databases ProQuest Congressional, Hein Online, The HathiTrust, and the government website,
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal government.
Congressional Hearings: Primarily transcripts, including statements and discussion, of hearings before House and Senate committees.
Congressional Record: Official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session.
Congressional Reports: Include Senate, House, and Executive reports. Includes the texts of reports submitted by individuals or committees, sometimes including dissenting views. Generally relates to bills, resolutions, or treaties under consideration.
Federal Register: The official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential documents.
Statutes at Large: Permanent collection of all laws and resolutions enacted during each session of Congress.
While most of the library's collection is classified by Library of Congress (LC) call numbers, government documents have their own classification system, SuDoc (Superintendent of Documents). The letters at the beginning of the SuDoc determine how they are shelved and classified. Here's an example (courtesy of Boston College):
A Agriculture Department |
J 1.14 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) |
AE National Archives & Records ( |
L Labor Department |
B 1 Broadcasting Board of Governors |
L 2 Bureau of Labor
Statistics |
C Commerce Department |
L 35 Occupational Safety
& Health Admin. |
C 3 Census Bureau |
LC Library of Congress |
C 55 Nat’l Oceanic & Atmospheric (NOAA) |
LR National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) |
CC Federal Communications Comm. (FCC) |
MS Merit Systems Protection Board |
CR Civil Rights Commission |
NAS Nat’l Aeronautics & Space (NASA) |
D Defense Department |
NCU Nat’l Credit Union Administration |
D 103 Engineers Corp (Army) |
NF Nat’l Foundation - Arts & Humanities |
E Energy Department |
NMB National Mediation Board |
ED Education Department |
PREX Executive Office of the President |
EP Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
PREX 3 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) |
FEM Federal Emergency Mgmt. (FEMA) |
PRVP Vice President of the |
FHF Federal Housing Financing Board |
S State Department |
FMC Federal Maritime Commission |
SBA Small Business Administration |
FT Federal Trade Commission (FTC) |
SE Securities & Exchange Comm. (SEC) |
GA General Accountability Office (GAO) |
SI Smithsonian Institute |
GP Government Printing Office (GPO) |
T Treasury Department |
GS General Services Administration (GSA) |
T 22 Internal Revenue Service |
HE Health & Human Services Department |
T 70 Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATFB) |
HE 20.3000 Nat'l
Institutes of Health (NIH) |
TD Transportation Department |
HE 20.6200 Nat’l Center
for Health Statistics |
VA Veterans Affairs Department |
HE 20.7000 Centers for
Disease Control & Prevention |
X Congressional Record, House & Senate
Journal |
HH Housing & Urban Development Dept. |
Y 1 House and Senate as a whole |
HS Department of Homeland Security |
Y 1.1/3 Senate Documents |
I Interior Department |
Y 1.1/4 Senate Treaty Documents |
I 19 Geological Survey |
Y 1.1/7 House Documents |
IC Interstate Commerce Comm. (ICC) |
Y 1.1/8 House Reports |
IT Interstate Trade Comm. (ITC) |
Y 3 Commissions & Boards |
J Justice Department |
Y 4 Congressional Committees |
Examples of House and Senate citations
Bills: HR or SR #
Resolutions: H Res or S Res #
Joint Resolutions: HJ Res or SJ Res #
Concurrent Resolutions: H Con Res or S Con Res #
Hearings: H Hrg or S Hrg, followed by legislative session, i.e. 111th for 111th Congress
Reports: H Rpt or S Rpt, followed by legislative session, i.e. 111th for 111th Congress
After a bill becomes law, it appears in one of three ways: by individual law numbers, by Statutes at Large citations, or as classified in the U.S. Code.
Examples of law citations
P.L. 111-148: the 148th public law passed by the 111th Congress
124 Stat 119: Statutes at Large, Vol. 119, pg. 124
42 U.S.C. 14601: U.S. Code, Title 42, Section 14601
The following refer to documents issued by the President relating to the enacted law. (See the Glossary section above for FR and CFR.)
Examples of Executive Branch citations
75 FR 32318: Federal Register, vol. 75, pg. 32318
3 CFR 8482: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 3, part 8482