UH Libraries offers the following services to help you with your TDM related project:
At the request of faculty, students, and staff, UH Libraries will consider the acquisition of datasets that require license or user agreements to access on a case-by-case basis. The purchase will be up to $5000. If you are able to contribute funding towards the cost of a resource, this is encouraged! Please be sure to indicate that in the request to purchase form.
For the Libraries to pursue the acquisition, the following must be met:
All UH faculty, students, and academic researchers are eligible to request; undergraduate requests must be supported by a faculty member.
These are the things that will increase the chance of being supported by library funding. Priorities will be given to the following:
To request the purchase of data, please submit this form. Selections are based on data cost, availability of funds, and the above listed criteria. If data can be acquired with no apparent restrictions or terms, UH Libraries will proceed with acquisition after verifying with the provider of the data. If the data requires an agreement, UH Libraries will only acquire it if terms reflect user needs and are in accordance with the Libraries’ legal obligations.