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Previous Open Education Incentive Program Awardees


Name College Course Award Type
Dhanushka Arunasiri Peru Durayalage Liberal Arts & Social Science ECON 3357: Data Management with Economic Applications  Textbook Affordability
Melody Yunzi Li Liberal Arts & Social Sciences CHNS 3344: Global Chinese Literature Open Educational Practices
María Elena Soliño Liberal Arts & Social Sciences HISP 2373: Spanish Culture and Civilization

Textbook Affordability

Nouhad Rizk Natural Sciences and Mathematics COSC 4337: Data Science II  Open Educational Practices
Marédil León, Tairan Qiu, & Velvette Laurence Education CUIN 4361: Second Language Methodology / Resources for Teacher Education and Alternative Certification Program Textbook Affordability / Open Educational Practices
Carrie Cutler Education CUIN 6335: Mathematics for Teachers I Open Educational Practices
Bradley Davis Education  ELCS 6350: The Principalship / ELCS 8310: The Superintendency Open Educational Practices
Emese Felvegi Business BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications Open Educational Practices


Name College Course
Jose Angel Hernandez Liberal Arts & Social Science HIST 2367: History of Mexico
Lindsey Browne Liberal Arts & Social Sciences PSYC 2319: Intro to Social Psychology
Melissa Markofski, Seth Rinehart, and Justin Crane Liberal Arts & Social Sciences KIN 4370: Exercise Testing and Prescription
Mingjian Wen Engineering CHEE 6397: Data-driven Materials Discovery
Lu Gao Engineering CNST 6308: Data Analysis in Construction Management
Ricardo Lent Technology ELET 4309: Object-oriented Applications Programming
Carrie Cutler Education CUIN 7397: Play in Early Childhood Mathematics


Name College Course
Chiara Acquati, Aabha Brown, and Ginger Lucas Social Work SOCW 6305: Research and Knowledge Building in Social Work Practice
Olusegun Babalola Liberal Arts & Social Sciences PSYC 2305: Introduction to Methods in Psychology
Anadeli Bencomo Liberal Arts & Social Sciences SPAN 3374: Spanish American Culture and Civilization
Barbara Carlin and Marina Sebastijanovic Business MANA 3335: Introduction to Organizational Behavior and Management
Simone Doudna Global Hospitality Leadership HRMA 4397: Airline Services Management
Jason Draper Global Hospitality Leadership HRMA 2365: Tourism
Viola Green, Raymond Gwanwo Hounfodji, Julie Tolliver, and Céline Wilson Liberal Arts & Social Sciences FREN 1501: Elementary French I and FREN 1502: Elementary French II
Viola Green, Raymond Gwanwo Hounfodji, Julie Tolliver, and Céline Wilson Liberal Arts & Social Sciences FREN 2311: Intermediate French I and FREN 2312: Intermediate French II
Jose Angel Hernandez Liberal Arts & Social Sciences HIST 2303: Historian’s Craft
Jose Angel Hernandez Liberal Arts & Social Sciences HIST 4336: History of Histories: Historiography Capstone Seminar
Sadegh Kazemi Global Hospitality Leadership HRMA 3348: Principles of Hospitality Revenue Management
Melody Yunzi Li  Liberal Arts & Social Sciences CHNS/WCL 3342: Tales of East Asian Cities 
Stacey M. Louie Engineering CIVE 6373: Experimental Methods in Environmental Engineering
Virginia Lucas Social Work SOCW 6308: Human Diversity and Development
Cristian Morosan Global Hospitality Leadership HRMA 1301: Hospitality Technology
Saira Rab Education HDFS 4315: Culture and Diversity in Human Development
Minjung Shin Global Hospitality Leadership HRMA 6330: Statistical Data Analysis in the Hospitality Industry
Sissy Wong Education CUIN 4325/7366: Teaching Science in Grades 4-8 I and CUIN 4326/7367: Teaching Science in Grades 4-8 II


Name College Course
Tres Bodet Liberal Arts & Social Sciences PSYC 3341: Physiological Psychology
Justin Burris, Carrie Cutler, and Shea Culpepper Education ELED 4315: Mathematics in the Elementary School II
Carrie Cutler, Justin Burris, and Shea Culpepper Education ELED 4314: Mathematics in the Elementary School I
Agnes DeFranco and Arlene Ramirez Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 4343: Financial Administration for the Hospitality Industry
Shelley Gonzales and Ginger Lucas Social Work SOCW 6306: Social Work Practice Skills
Layci Harrison Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ATP 6191/6192/6193: Clinical Education I, II, and III
Rachelle A.C. Joplin Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ENGL 1304: First-Year Writing II
Polina Kharmats Liberal Arts & Social Sciences POLS 3315: International Organization
Ksenia Krylova Business MANA 3335: Introduction to Organizational Behavior and Management
Vassiliy Lubchenko Natural Sciences & Mathematics CHEM 4373: Survey of Physical Chemistry
Luis D. Medina Liberal Arts & Social Sciences PSYC 4397: Latino Health and Disparities
Kevin Rowland Medicine MEDI 5035: Musculoskeletal System
Jaspal Subhlok, Daniel Biedeger, Carlos Rincon, and Stephen Huang Natural Sciences & Mathematics COSC 1306: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Benjamin Tamber-Rosenau, Donald Foss, Gunes Avci Liberal Arts & Social Sciences PSYC 2301: Introduction to Methods in Psychology
Giulia Toti Natural Sciences & Mathematics COSC 2306: Data Programming
Anna Vershynina Natural Sciences & Mathematics MATH 2331: Linear Algebra
Wei Wang Liberal Arts & Social Sciences CHNS 3354: Chinese Culture and Language
Xiaojing Yuan Technology ELET 3403: Sensors Applications
Sandra Zalman Arts ARTH 1381: Art and Society: Renaissance to Modern


Name College Course
Eulises Avellaneda Education CUIN 3310: Bilingual Education
Nicole Bromfield Social Work SOCW 7397: Perspectives on Human Trafficking: Domestic and Global
Simone Doudna Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 4354: Advanced Hospitality Operations
Emese Felvegi Business MIS 3300: Introduction to Computer and Management Information Systems
Layci Harrison, Mark Knoblauch, Josh Yellen Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ATP 6301/6101: Anatomical Basis of Athletic Injury Lecture & Lab
Kristen Hassett Education SPEC 3360: Individuals with Disabilities
Daniel Hauptvogel, Jinny Sisson Natural Sciences & Mathematics GEOL 1176: Historical Geology Lab
Mary E. Henderson Technology SCLT 4387: Financial Evaluation for Supply Chain
Nathan Jarvis, Chris Taylor, Scott Taylor, Kevin Simon Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 3336: Beverage Management
Melody Yunzi Li, Jingyuan Fu Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Global Chinese Literature
Melissa Markofski Liberal Arts & Social Sciences KIN 4370: Exercise Testing
David Mayerich Engineering ECE 6397: Parallel Algorithms for GPUs and Heterogeneous Systems
Katherine Anne McElvaney Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ANTH 2301: Introduction to Physical Anthropology
Kelly Moore Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ILAS 3350: Power Writing
Grete Norquist Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ENGL 1304: First Year Writing II
Phillip Presswood Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ENGL 1303: First Year Writing I
Arlene Ramirez, Agnes DeFranco Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 3341: Hospitality Managerial Accounting

Nouhad Rizk Natural Sciences & Mathematics COSC 4335/3337: Data Science
Maria Elena Soliño Liberal Arts & Social Sciences SPAN 3386: Screen Memories: Spanish Culture Through Film
Jiajia Sun Natural Sciences & Mathematics GEOL 7330: Potential Field Methods of Geophysical Exploration
Scott Taylor Jr. Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 3343: Hospitality Cost Controls
Laura Turchi, Jane Cooper Education EDUC 3301: Introduction to Teaching

CUIN 3321: Introduction to Teaching Middle Grades

CUIN 6301: The Teaching Profession

Anna Vershynina Natural Sciences & Mathematics MATH 6397: Special Topics: Quantum Computation


Name College Course
Samuel Brower Education ELED 4320: Social Studies in the Elementary School
Alexander Bruton Liberal Arts & Social Sciences SPAN 4397: Contemporary Spain
Teresa Edgar Education CUIN 3317: Kindergarten and Elementary Curriculum Instruction
Terry Kirk and Sandra Lee Nursing NURS 4520: Concept Integration in Patient Care Management
Dejun Tony Kong Business MANA 7A49: Managerial Decision Making
Aditi Marwaha Pharmacy PHAR 4330: Pharmaceutics I & Calculations
David Mayerich Engineering ECE 3340: Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineers
Abinadi Meza Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ARTH 3301: Critical Theory

ARTH 6395: Selected Topics in Critical Theory and Criticism

IART 3395/6395: Selected Topics in Interdisciplinary Art

Gopal Pandurangan Natural Sciences & Mathematics COSC 3320: Algorithms and Data Structures
Andrea Prosperetti and Amit Amritkar Engineering MECE 5397: Scientific Computing in Mechanical Engineering
Arlene Ramirez and Agnes DeFranco Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMA 2340: Systems of Accounts in Hospitality
Nouhad Rizk Natural Sciences & Mathematics COSC 2430: Data Structures
Nathan Shepley Liberal Arts & Social Sciences ENGL 1303: First Year Writing 1
Elizabeth Simas Liberal Arts & Social Sciences POLS 3312: Arguments, Data, and Politics
Sandra Thompson Law LAW 5357: Evidence