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Industrial Design Resources

Guide to industrial design resources

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The Jenkins Library contains books on all aspects of industrial design, including materials, history, manufacturing, techniques, legal aspects, and global industries.  Search the catalog to find this material.

The Jenkins Library collects material samples, so researchers can make informed decisions about the textures, colors, and other physical properties of their finished products.  Many of these, such as the Pantone books and wands, are in the general collection and may be checked out of the library.  Some are permanently placed on reserve, at the request of the Industrial Design faculty.  Students are welcome to use the items below in the Jenkins Library.  Ask at the service desk.  

The Munsell book of color : 2.5R-10RP : matte collection.Munsell book of color: nearly neutral collection / Munsell Color.

The Munsell Book of Color: Matte Collection 

The Munsell Book of Color 

The Munsell Book of Color: Nearly Neutral Collection 

Pantone plastics. Opaque selector : 1,005 colors.


Pantone Plastics. Transparent Selector : 735 colors 

Pantone Plastics. Opaque Selector : 1,005 colors 

Visual texture standards.

Visual Texture Standards

We Bring Plastics to Life